Did You Know: Quisqueya or Kiskeia (Kiskeya) is one of the Taino names for the island of Hispaniola, or what is now the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The name, is said to mean "Mother of the Earth," and is still used to this day. Many Dominicans still refer to their island as La Isla Quisqueya, and refer to themselves as Quisqueyano. – UCTP Taino News (c) 2007
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I have most often seen the Kreyol spelling as Kiskeya. How can I determine which is more correct?
Greetings and thank you for your comment. Actually, the Kreyol spelling is very close to the sound of the word. We have seen this term spelled both ways as Kiskeia, which we would prefer but none are really "wrong."
We hope this is helpful! Please feel free to contact us at uctp_ny@yahoo.com if you have other questions.
Peace and blessings!
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