Did You Know: Taíno society was organized in two sectors - nitaíno (community
leaders) and naboria (general community
members). Community life was administrated
by chiefs and sub-chiefs called kasike
(cacique), who in turn were supported and often advised by other community and spiritual
leaders called behike and buhiti among other names. The traditional
territories (called cacicazgos
by the Spaniards) controlled by kasike were actually confederations of iukaieke (yucayeque) communities with
populations that ranged from several hundred to thousands of people. As Taíno
society developed over time, powerful kasike (caciques) united these communities
into political states that were ultimately guided by a grand or paramount chief.
In 1492, Kiskeia (Hispaniola) was organized under five confederations. Boriken
(Puerto Rico) was organized under 20, with the Guainia (Guaynia) territory
being the largest and most politically powerful. - UCTP Taíno News © 2013